N₂O for whipping cream

For whipped cream or foam laughing gas (N2O) is the ideal medium. Laughing gas (E942) is an authorised food additive, does not give an adverse after taste and is easy to use.
Application scope
For whipping cream approximately 10 grams N2O is sufficient for a litre of cream. After shaking and spraying the laughing gas, it ensures for a nice and airy finish on ice cream, fresh fruit, coffee…
For foam, one needs double the amount of laughing gas (20 grams per litre).
For both applications one needs a suitable siphon-bottle. On this bottle, the connection will be provided to add the laughing gas. From a cylinder of laughing gas one needs to use a pressure reducing valve to lower the high pressure in the cylinder (55 bar) to the working pressure of the siphon-bottle.
Small ampoules are sold in commercial businesses for cooking tools or in the larger department stores.
IJsfabriek Strombeek also provides N2O-cylinders in all sizes to manufacturers of whipped cream products. As a customer, you must have the necessary evidence to maintain the correct use of N2O.
Hygienic: for the whipping - except for the administration of the gas and the shaking - no action is required
Laughing gas is already known for a long time and allowed as additive
Limited quantities of N2O are sufficient
No taste or smell changes
Quickly and easily applicable
With the laughing gas the whipped cream or foam undergoes an important volume increase
Delivery forms
Please note that the use of nitrous gas (either laughing gas) is subject to strict rules!